Heat and Trees#

Published: October 1, 2018 · Modified: October 28, 2024

Urban Heat Islands and Street Trees#

In this notebook we’ll be exploring the urban heat island effect by looking at the impact on surface temperature of roof color and street trees. We’ll be replicating the process described here but using Python tools rather than ESRI.

Data sources: This notebook uses Landsat data from Google Cloud Storage as well as some geographic data from OpenDataPhilly.

import intake
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import hvplot.xarray  # noqa
import hvplot.pandas  # noqa

from geoviews.tile_sources import EsriImagery
from pyproj import CRS

Just some extra info about Landsat data:

band_info = pd.DataFrame([
        (1,  "Aerosol", " 0.43 - 0.45",    0.440,  "30",         "Coastal aerosol"),
        (2,  "Blue",    " 0.45 - 0.51",    0.480,  "30",         "Blue"),
        (3,  "Green",   " 0.53 - 0.59",    0.560,  "30",         "Green"),
        (4,  "Red",     " 0.64 - 0.67",    0.655,  "30",         "Red"),
        (5,  "NIR",     " 0.85 - 0.88",    0.865,  "30",         "Near Infrared (NIR)"),
        (6,  "SWIR1",   " 1.57 - 1.65",    1.610,  "30",         "Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) 1"),
        (7,  "SWIR2",   " 2.11 - 2.29",    2.200,  "30",         "Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) 2"),
        (8,  "Panc",    " 0.50 - 0.68",    0.590,  "15",         "Panchromatic"),
        (9,  "Cirrus",  " 1.36 - 1.38",    1.370,  "30",         "Cirrus"),
        (10, "TIRS1",   "10.60 - 11.19",   10.895, "100 * (30)", "Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 1"),
        (11, "TIRS2",   "11.50 - 12.51",   12.005, "100 * (30)", "Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 2")],
    columns=['Band', 'Name', 'Wavelength Range (µm)', 'Nominal Wavelength (µm)', 'Resolution (m)', 'Description']).set_index(["Band"])
Name Wavelength Range (µm) Nominal Wavelength (µm) Resolution (m) Description
1 Aerosol 0.43 - 0.45 0.440 30 Coastal aerosol
2 Blue 0.45 - 0.51 0.480 30 Blue
3 Green 0.53 - 0.59 0.560 30 Green
4 Red 0.64 - 0.67 0.655 30 Red
5 NIR 0.85 - 0.88 0.865 30 Near Infrared (NIR)
6 SWIR1 1.57 - 1.65 1.610 30 Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) 1
7 SWIR2 2.11 - 2.29 2.200 30 Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) 2
8 Panc 0.50 - 0.68 0.590 15 Panchromatic
9 Cirrus 1.36 - 1.38 1.370 30 Cirrus
10 TIRS1 10.60 - 11.19 10.895 100 * (30) Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 1
11 TIRS2 11.50 - 12.51 12.005 100 * (30) Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 2

Loading data#

For this example, we will be using landsat data stored on Google Cloud Storage. Since these data are accessed via https, there is no guaranteed directory structure, so we will need to specify the url pointing to each file and then iterate over the files to create a concatenated dataset. We use jinja template notation in intake to pass parameters to the urlpath.

cat = intake.open_catalog('catalog.yml')

Let’s take a look at what the google_landsat_band looks like:

    description: Landsat bands from Google Cloud Storage
    driver: rasterio
        description: landsat path
        type: int
        description: landsat row
        type: int
        description: landsat file id
        type: str
        description: band
        type: int
      urlpath: https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/01/{{ '%03d' % path }}/{{ '%03d' % row }}/{{ product_id }}/{{ product_id }}_B{{ band }}.TIF
        band: 1
        x: 256
        y: 256

The following might feel a bit arbitrary, but we have chosen the path and row corresponding to the area over Philadelphia using the earth explorer. We have also found the id of the particular date of interest using the same tool. With these values in hand, we can access parts of each file on Google Cloud Storage.

path = 14
row = 32
product_id = 'LC08_L1TP_014032_20160727_20170222_01_T1'

The first step to using intake is to initialize the catalog entry with user parameters to create a data source.

data_source = cat.google_landsat_band(path=path, row=row, product_id=product_id)

From this data source we can get a lazily loaded xarray object using dask. To make sure that we can inspect what dask is up to, it can be helpful to create a dask client.

ds = data_source.to_dask()
ds.name = 'value'
/home/runner/work/examples/examples/heat_and_trees/envs/default/lib/python3.11/site-packages/intake_xarray/raster.py:107: FutureWarning: The return type of `Dataset.dims` will be changed to return a set of dimension names in future, in order to be more consistent with `DataArray.dims`. To access a mapping from dimension names to lengths, please use `Dataset.sizes`.
  'dims': dict(ds2.dims),

Loading in metadata regarding these particular Landsat images from the associated matlab.txt file.

def load_google_landsat_metadata(path, row, product_id):
    """Load Landsat metadata for path, row, product_id from Google Cloud Storage
    def parse_type(x):
            return eval(x)
            return x
    baseurl = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/01'
    suffix = f'{path:03d}/{row:03d}/{product_id}/{product_id}_MTL.txt'
    df = intake.open_csv(
        csv_kwargs={'sep': '=',
                    'header': None,
                    'names': ['index', 'value'],
                    'skiprows': 2,
                    'converters': {'index': (lambda x: x.strip()),
                                   'value': parse_type}}).read()
    metadata = df.set_index('index')['value']
    return metadata
metadata = load_google_landsat_metadata(path, row, product_id)
ORIGIN                Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
REQUEST_ID                                     0501702206266_00020
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID                             LC80140322016209LGN01
LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID        LC08_L1TP_014032_20160727_20170222_01_T1
COLLECTION_NUMBER                                               01
Name: value, dtype: object

Sub-setting to area of interest#

So far we haven’t downloaded any band data. Since we know that we are interested in Philadelphia, we can just take a smaller square of data that covers the extents of the city. First we need to know the projection of the dataset:


We’ll convert that into something directly usable for later:

proj_crs= CRS.from_epsg(32618)
<Projected CRS: EPSG:32618>
Name: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- E[east]: Easting (metre)
- N[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: Between 78°W and 72°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Bahamas. Canada - Nunavut; Ontario; Quebec. Colombia. Cuba. Ecuador. Greenland. Haiti. Jamaica. Panama. Turks and Caicos Islands. United States (USA). Venezuela.
- bounds: (-78.0, 0.0, -72.0, 84.0)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: UTM zone 18N
- method: Transverse Mercator
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
crs = ccrs.UTM(zone=18)

Now if we were just looking for one particular point we could use that point, converted to the coordinate system of the data, and then select the data nearest to it:

x_center, y_center = crs.transform_point(-75.1652, 39.9526, ccrs.PlateCarree())
nearest_to_center = ds.sel(x=x_center, y=y_center, method='nearest')

<xarray.DataArray 'value' (band: 4)> Size: 8B
array([11465, 12774, 30347, 26335], dtype=uint16)
    x            float64 8B 4.859e+05
    y            float64 8B 4.423e+06
    spatial_ref  int64 8B 0
  * band         (band) int64 32B 4 5 10 11
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Point
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0

In this case, though, we are interested in a subset of data that covers that city of Philadelphia. So we need some geometry to specify the bounds of the city. We can get a GeoJSON of neighborhood data from OpenDataPhilly.

geoms = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(cat.neighborhoods_philadelphia.read(), crs=4326)

bounds = geoms.geometry.bounds
lower_left_corner_lat_lon = bounds.minx.min(), bounds.miny.min()
upper_right_corner_lat_lon = bounds.maxx.max(), bounds.maxy.max()

print(lower_left_corner_lat_lon, upper_right_corner_lat_lon)
(np.float64(-75.280266), np.float64(39.867004)) (np.float64(-74.955763), np.float64(40.137992))

Using the crs defined above, we can transform these lat/lons into map coordinates.

ll_corner = crs.transform_point(*lower_left_corner_lat_lon, ccrs.PlateCarree())
ur_corner = crs.transform_point(*upper_right_corner_lat_lon, ccrs.PlateCarree())

print(ll_corner, ur_corner)
(np.float64(476030.21311048063), np.float64(4413033.712613887)) (np.float64(503768.4451229614), np.float64(4443074.1017383))

Then we can use those corners to slice the data. If the subset is empty along x or y, the ordering of the coordinates might not be what you anticipated. Try swapping the order of arguments in the slice.

subset = ds.sel(x=slice(ll_corner[0], ur_corner[0]), y=slice(ur_corner[1], ll_corner[1]))

We can persist this slice of the dataset in memory for easy use later.

subset = subset.persist()
<xarray.DataArray 'value' (band: 4, y: 1001, x: 925)> Size: 7MB
dask.array<getitem, shape=(4, 1001, 925), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(1, 256, 256), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * x            (x) float64 7kB 4.76e+05 4.761e+05 ... 5.037e+05 5.038e+05
  * y            (y) float64 8kB 4.443e+06 4.443e+06 ... 4.413e+06 4.413e+06
    spatial_ref  int64 8B 0
  * band         (band) int64 32B 4 5 10 11
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Point
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0

To check that we got the right area, we can do a simple plot of one of the bands and overlay the neighborhoods on top of it. We’ll use hvplot to quickly create a holoviews object rendered in bokeh.

geometry name listname mapname shape_leng shape_area cartodb_id created_at updated_at
0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.05646 40.08743, -75.05667 ... PENNYPACK_PARK Pennypack Park Pennypack Park 87084.285589 6.014076e+07 9 2013-03-19T17:41:50.508Z 2013-03-19T17:41:50.743Z
1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.2272 39.9774, -75.22984 39... OVERBROOK Overbrook Overbrook 57004.924607 7.692499e+07 138 2013-03-19T17:41:50.508Z 2013-03-19T17:41:50.743Z
2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.16208 40.02829, -75.16145 ... GERMANTOWN_SOUTHWEST Germantown, Southwest Southwest Germantown 14880.743608 1.441867e+07 59 2013-03-19T17:41:50.508Z 2013-03-19T17:41:50.743Z
3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.19931 39.97462, -75.19869 ... EAST_PARKSIDE East Parkside East Parkside 10885.781535 4.231000e+06 129 2013-03-19T17:41:50.508Z 2013-03-19T17:41:50.743Z
4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.22722 40.03523, -75.22865 ... GERMANY_HILL Germany Hill Germany Hill 13041.939087 6.949968e+06 49 2013-03-19T17:41:50.508Z 2013-03-19T17:41:50.743Z
band_plot = subset.mean('band').hvplot(x='x', y='y', rasterize=True, crs=crs, cnorm='eq_hist', cmap='gray')
hood_plot = geoms.hvplot(geo=True, alpha=.5, c='mapname', legend=False, frame_height=450)

band_plot * hood_plot